Matthew 7:6 - "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Posting of ideas, criticism, and satire on Evangelical culture - From the inside.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The Great CCM Lie Part II

Swirlypine has been priviledged to have access to an ongoing dialogue between Swirlypine's Brent Geisberg and one of the brave Evangelical "watchdogs" that have been protecting our young people from the deception of CCM (Christian Contemporary Music).

Who would have known that Amy Grant, Petra, Benny Hester and other otherwise tame artist are quietly, but effectively, spreading Satan's lie into the Christian community?

Swirlypine will be posting these dialogues from time to time in hopes that others in the Evangelical community will not be deceived.

> this is a test you can take to see if you have been deceived by
> Christian rock.
Brent Geisberg - I am in total agreement with you on the whole C-rock thing. Years ago, I used to listen to KYMS in Orange County, and back then, I thought it was okay. I was listening to bands like Benny Hester, Daryl Mansfield, even 441, and thinking it was okay. They used to have a ministry at our church called the Door, where they would bring in a C-rock band after the Friday night football games, have some pizza and rock a little, all under the stated purpose of "lifestyle evangelism".
Non-denominational churches back then (and now) will often go to whatever lengths are necessary to reach the world. I think that Rick Warren guy takes it a little too far, don't you? I went to his church one Sunday and someone was drinking a diet coke during a very boisterous contemporary sounding "worship" song.

Well, to get back to my story, I kept listening to KYMS, and although the DJs were okay, something wasn't right about the music. All the bands just kept trying to sound like the world, but with these lame Christian lyrics. It seemed as though every song Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W Smith wrote sounded exactly the same. When KYMS went off the air, I truly believed that God's sovereign will was at work, cutting this cancer from our Christian body.

Then, as if ushered in by some seductive demonic force, the FISH came on the radio a few years ago, with more innocuous Christian music that is claimed to be "Safe for the Whole Family". What those soccer moms in their Suburbans don't know, is that while it might be "safe for the whole family" it is not safe for their souls! The popular morning show host Lauren Kitchens is truly a demon masquerading as an angel of light, and a force to be reckoned with. Underneath that folksy Tennessee accent lies an destructive force that is ripping away at the foundations of the Christian Faith (and good musical taste, as well).

Now, as I approach 40, I am realizing the honest truth: C-rock is bad for one reason, and one reason only. It is LAME! Now, I am back listening to my old favorites from before the C-rock era: Led Zepellin, The Eagles, Steve Earle, The Starland Vocal Band, and Hall and Oates.
At least their music isn't posing as Christian, plus it sounds really good, these guys can rock! Anyways, I hear that the 80's Sensation C-rock band 441 (you might remember them from such hits as "she's got a fish on the car" and "mourning into dancing" ((that 2nd one has two strikes against it with the whole dancing reference)) is having a reunion concert at Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo this Friday, and I am going there to protest C-rock. If these guys succeed with their comeback, we are all doomed.

Keep up the good work, the relevant articles (especially exposing the demonic forces behind "Promise Keepers". )

PS, what do you think about Melissa Scott taking over for her deceased husband Dr. Gene Scott (PhD, Stanford University)? I don't think she is quite as smart as he was, but boy can she sing. And its not C-rock, either, she sings the good old country gospel blues? (That's not blasphemous is it?)

Not Rockin' No More,

Brent Geisberg

CCM Watchdog writes -

Brent Geisberg,

Thanks for your input, I have been busy with some grad
classes and only now had a chance to answer. We first
hand can attest to the change in Benny Hester mellow
"christian" pop singer into c-rocker. As for listening
to the old bands, yes as you said at least they do not
claim to be something other then what they are.
However, I do not make it a practice to listen to what
I have left behind after being saved due to the
demonic influences with rock. (At work sometimes I
have no choice of what is on the radio) If not
listening to good Christian music, I listen to
instrumental mostly in the classical category.

As for Rick Warren, the BDM site linked that I
maintain has much on his false teachings.

As for Stanford, don't know enough about them. Country
gospel? I personally do not have any opinion except
for the ecumenical Gaither band that has made some
outrageous statements especially Mark Lowry.

Please try and get into and join a solid Bible
teaching church, David Cloud has a directory at!churches.htm
if you have not already found one.

Hope this helps,


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