Matthew 7:6 - "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Posting of ideas, criticism, and satire on Evangelical culture - From the inside.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tippy's Thought of the Day

"Sola Cultura. Culture as the ultimate authority. It's impact will leave a residue through the years as evident as the Popes robe systems.

Let culture reign and it will kill the pain of reality and truth. Let it redefine essence and morph into a new faith concentrate. Something new to taste and devour. Sweet sweet baby love. Sweet music that transcends the hymns of our fathers.

Aquire the fire now and digest the ash of a smoldering soul later after enhaling the aroma of pain in later days.

Scurry to hit bottom so you can rise from the pit with eyes anew. This Christ thing will become more evident, more tangible and prickly. Until then stay clear of the clever concepts that call out your ear. Nomenclature that sways you over. Hurry for the pit. Hurry to jump in deep and long to feel around and sufficate for a short time, long enough to later swallow in the freshness of the Air you never knew existed."