Matthew 7:6 - "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Posting of ideas, criticism, and satire on Evangelical culture - From the inside.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Tippy The Rabbit Attends Spitzer Fundraiser for Blue Hairs and Blow Hards

Posted by: Tippy the Rabbit

In order to quickly fulfill my quota of 6 editorial pieces, and then ditch this pathetic cyber-rag, I decided that attending Wednesday evening's Todd Spitzer fundraiser at the Orange Park Acres home of Dr. Don and Lois Verleur would provide easy fodder for a liberal hare planted squarely in the heart of the Country's most conservative county. For starters, it was supposed to be a "Western Theme BBQ", but the band barely had a heartbeat. Three never-has-beens limping along on a keyboard, guitar and a microphone. It looked more like a lobbiest party for the AARP. A literal who's who of OC political wannabes that somehow think as a Podunk OC city council member you can somehow ride on Spitzer's coat tails into the white house some day.

The food was okay, and I got more than a few stares as I loaded my plate full of tri-tip, which for the conventional crowd, is seen as a no-no for an herbivore such as I. Well I have news for you, not only am I a liberal rabbit, I am a flaming carnivore--and proud of it. That's right, I am out! Take that OPA!

Sitting through the fifteen speeches by whoever you are from where ever your from, my thoughts drifted off while I tried to remain interested. "That lettuce in the garden sure looks good." "No, stop it, you're on the other team, stop it." "I wonder if there are coyotes out here?" "Why won't Spitzer just come out and announce that he's running for OC District Attorney in 2008?"

By the time Spitzer got up, I was all ears, though. His whole operating mode is "Hey, look at me, I'm hot lookin', I'm kind of cocky, my hot wife Jamie is a judge, and all I have to do is go "Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah" and people will give me money. There was not a single platform or policy statement. No blow about the Democrats doing a 180 on the budget delay to avoid certain special election triggers that they were previously unkbeknownst to them. Nothing. All the freakin guy did was give away a 4-gig iPod. Whoop de do. La-de-freakin-da. And to think, at one time, they were grooming him for governor. I am here to say...All Spitzer cares about is...Spitzer. At my table there were seated a tow truck company owner, and two guys who own Jax Bicycle Shop. That's it. They were there in support of initiatives favoring tow trucks and bicycles? This is all Spitzer can rustle up for his annual OPA barbeque? Pathetic.

The only saving moment was the well worded introduction by Orange Mayor Pro-Tem Carolyn Cavecche, the ultra-right wing "I'm a stay-at-home-Mom and a full time politician" lady gunning for a spot on the OC Board of Supervisors. Go home and do some ironing, Cavecche! She was preceeded by a well worded legislative summary from Senate Majority Leader Dick Ackerman (R-Fullerton). At least this guy has a clue why he goes to Sacramento: to take money from the poor and line the pockets of the county's most prominent "haves".

Its events like this that make me glad I can just hop back home to my hutch, chew some of my own vomit, hop around a little bit, and procreate randomly with the nearest rabbit. Those are my issues, Spitzer. What did you ever do for me?

Three more editorials on this rabbit's contract. Tippy out. Oh, check out the picture of Spitzer on his website header (Click the blog article title). This pictures tells more about this egomaniac than I could ever write. Peace out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tippy. I ran in the Dinasour Dash with Todd Spitzer. You are right. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.... blah, blah. I was more tired before the race started listening to his corny jokes that after the race itself.
Keep up the good word Tips. Peace out. Sweeeeet!

6:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Tippy. Looks like you just came back from Grumptown were they elected you mayor.

Pareesh Sanjin.
7-11 #389

6:14 AM


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