Matthew 7:6 - "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you." Posting of ideas, criticism, and satire on Evangelical culture - From the inside.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Powerpoint, Handouts, or Good Ol' Fashioned Charm

Editors Note: Tippy the Rabbit is currently in rehab

Tell us more about your church. We at Swirlypine have noticed a disturbing trend among evangelical churches of increasing reliance upon Powerpoint to deliver the Sunday morning sermon. Not just any powerpoint, but Powerpoint presentations with cute little moving icons, video clip links, pictures, moving text, and the like. I for one see this trend as a shift from "content based preaching" to "experience based teaching". Or, to put it another way, it doesn't matter so much what I say, as long as it is formatted in a clever Powerpoint format. Back in the day, teachers such as Swindoll or Shank could deliver a poignant sermon without so much as a notepad on the podium. The Holy Spirit was free to work through the delivery of the sermon. Does the Holy Spirit work through software? Does HE guide the selection of the appropriate template, background and header formatting in the powerpoint sermon? In order to spark a debate on this topic, we have asked our two evangelical pundits, Flannelgraph Bob and Powerpoint Pete, to debate the issue in an open forum. We attempted to find Overhead Joe, but his projector bulb was burned out and we could not locate another one in the media center in time for this deadline.

Flanelgraph Bob will argue the old school limited availability of technology perspective. Powerpoint Pete will deliver the opposing viewpoint that Technology was created by God, and therefore, should be used to glorify Him. We would appreciate your feedback on which approach is most relevant. Please click on the Title for a brief overview of Flannelgraph Bob's platform.

(Okay, we know this article has limited appeal, its not "sexy", but we have our hangups, and must air them on line)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is very interesting! Very! I recall the day that the Powerpoint gizmo came into the church. Guess what? The pastor brought it in thru the back door.... How appropriate. (YES, I was a witness! I was on the platform!). Now, Paul never used the back door. Someone fell out the window once, but that was at the midnight service. Swindoll? Shank? Surely we can do better than that. The Holy Spirit, yes, is the One shoved out that back door! He is the One displaced by all this. If, mind you, IF the Apostle Paul appeared this Sunday without Powerpoint, would they put him out the backdoor, also?!

6:22 PM


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