Pray for Tippy, He's Not Doing Well
Here is the update to Tippy's previous prayer requests:
Pray Request/Date/Answer (Answer status: yes/no/wait - explanation from God)
1) Pray for my sore feet/7-20-05/No-"you don't have feet, you have paws, the answer is no, on a techincallity"
2) Pray for snow/7-20-05/"wait, I can't change the seasons, except for pentecostals, and you're not pentecostal"
3) Pray for a cat that has no fleas /7-20-05/"yes - there are many cats in your own neighborhood that have fleas!"
4) Pray that they will soon make Prozac for small animals. /7-20-05/ "No, as God, I don't support the use of anti-depressants, just pray and read your bible, Tippy."
5) Pray that they will develope a 12 step program for small animals. / 7-20-05 / "i would say yes, but your church does not fully embrace 'recovery', it is only an attempt to have a fully rounded out 'seeker sensitive' ministry, the answer is NO"
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